Saltford Court Tower, Miles Platting
Scheme for redevelopment of a 1960’s residential tower on a half-acre site adjacent New Islington, Manchester. Incorporating a new landscaped deck at 1FL, 5no. additional floors and modularised external balcony-gardens hung from the south façade.
(FuZED AD Ltd)

Date: March 2007
Stage: RIBA A-C
Preparation of schematic design for refurb and preparation of design presentation material.

The recladding and 'rebranding' of the tower sought to tackle some of the principal issues with this typology, and this site in particular. Amenity is greatly improved by providing a new amenity deck at 1FL which would fill the site footprint, providing a 'piano noble' to the residents whilst also providing some sheltered parking provision. An opportunity for retail is provided at Ground level on one side of the tower which sees a lot of pedestrians pass by. GFL is wholly given over to ancillary services for the tower. Diverse activity and service provision to the captive population within - a Creche/Nursery is provided at 1FL c/w access to the amenity area, together with a number of work units/studios occupied by the residents apartments above.

In addition to the 5 extra storeys provided to the top of the tower, c/w larger footprint, it is also envisaged that the south-facing apartments will also be the beneficiaries of a lightweight modularised system hung/fixed to the primary concrete frame on this side. This approach would allow the alternation between additional internal space and generous external balconies.